Monday, October 25, 2010

Viola Cocker The Travelling Monster

Hi.  My name is Viola Cocker and I come from Marysville, WA.   That's in the United States.  I've got a twin sister who is visiting NoKnitSherlock right now and I miss my sister very much.  And I've got a human Mom and Dad.  Then there's my human brothers and sisters too.
I've met two new monsters today.  Screaming Stan the VooDoo Bunny and Stink the Chunk Monster.  They seem a little weird to me.  I think they got ready for Halloween a little early. 
I'll be visiting with my foster Mom for a couple of weeks here in Canada.  I don't know what I'll do or what I'll see.  I just hope that I have fun before going to my next foster family.

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