Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pemeberley's Pot Luck Meal

I'm starting to think that Pemberley is a party girl.  She just came on the week were I've got pot-lucks and meals out somewhere.  I think she's going to need to go on a diet for the new year with all the food she's been around.

Of course, Pemberley has written another note to her Momma TwistedString on the Danger Craft group board.  Here's the message.

Hi Momma
I’ve had a busy week. Momma Keldar took me to her Wednesday night knit group but they didn’t go knitting. They went out to a place called East Side Mario’s for supper. I didn’t see anything that was Tex-mex or BBQ.
But Momma Keldar tried the Firecracker Shrimp Penne. And I got to try some beer.
I didn’t drink too much of it. But it was tasty. Then there was a pot-luck at work yesterday. There’s was lots of food there. Water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and dipped in BBQ sauce, spring rolls, pasta salad and cookies. Then there was the pot luck at the local LYS. I had my veggies and dip there to balance the other stuff I ate. Non, nom, nom!
I meet Frieda Queen of Chaos at the Little Red Mitten too.
Her Momma, suequeenofchaos said I should be wearing my snow pants all the time because of how cold it is here. That I don’t need to get sick and pass germs onto the next person. I did have fun looking around in the store though. There was one spot that I could have stayed in all night.
It was so nice and soft. Then there was a funny looking tree.
I don’t think any of the hats would have fit me. Before I left we had to celebrate with a piece of birthday cake . Frieda’s momma had a birthday and she got cheesecake for a cake . Nom, nom, nom.
Miss you

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