Saturday, December 25, 2010

Makenzie's Scarf

Little did I know that Makenzie would become a model on someone else's project page on Ravelry.  I knew she had a new scarf for when she came back to the cold weather but to model it.  Whoohoo!

Anyone with a Ravelry account will most likely see the project when they click on the link.  However, I've got the pic for those who can't.

I'm even surprised too that Viola is sitting next to Makenzie.  I didn't think she'd meet any of the monsters that would be visiting me.  I hope she and Viola had a good visit.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pemeberley's Pot Luck Meal

I'm starting to think that Pemberley is a party girl.  She just came on the week were I've got pot-lucks and meals out somewhere.  I think she's going to need to go on a diet for the new year with all the food she's been around.

Of course, Pemberley has written another note to her Momma TwistedString on the Danger Craft group board.  Here's the message.

Hi Momma
I’ve had a busy week. Momma Keldar took me to her Wednesday night knit group but they didn’t go knitting. They went out to a place called East Side Mario’s for supper. I didn’t see anything that was Tex-mex or BBQ.
But Momma Keldar tried the Firecracker Shrimp Penne. And I got to try some beer.
I didn’t drink too much of it. But it was tasty. Then there was a pot-luck at work yesterday. There’s was lots of food there. Water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and dipped in BBQ sauce, spring rolls, pasta salad and cookies. Then there was the pot luck at the local LYS. I had my veggies and dip there to balance the other stuff I ate. Non, nom, nom!
I meet Frieda Queen of Chaos at the Little Red Mitten too.
Her Momma, suequeenofchaos said I should be wearing my snow pants all the time because of how cold it is here. That I don’t need to get sick and pass germs onto the next person. I did have fun looking around in the store though. There was one spot that I could have stayed in all night.
It was so nice and soft. Then there was a funny looking tree.
I don’t think any of the hats would have fit me. Before I left we had to celebrate with a piece of birthday cake . Frieda’s momma had a birthday and she got cheesecake for a cake . Nom, nom, nom.
Miss you

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pemberley's Early Christmas

Since my family had Christmas early, I had to take Pemberley along for the hooplah.  With snow pants and hat securely worn, we drove out to Norwich, Ontario.  Of course, with the weather being cold outside, Pemberly was dressed very well.

Since my family had Christmas early, I had to take Pemberley along for the hooplah.  With snow pants and hat securely worn, we drove out to Norwich, Ontario.  Of course,  Pemberly was dressed very well for the cold weather outside.

After visiting for an hour or so, supper began to get ready for the table.  Of course, Pemberly had to see the turkey before it got cut up.

She didn't want to stick around too long.  It didn't look too good when the big knife came out of the drawer for the carving of the turkey.  Pemberley made a quick dash to the Christmas tree to hide out until everything was ready.

She had a good little chat with the Santa in the tree.  Santa wanted to know what she wanted for Christmas. Pemberley  said Lorna's Lace yarn was yummy to have.  And it's the best thing to get anybody at any time of the year too.  Soon enough it was time to sit at the table and eat.

Before anyone could eat, there were crackers to open.  Inside the cracker was a sewing kit and a riddle.   Why did the cookie go to the hospital?  Because it felt crumby.  That's a bad joke.

Nom, nom, nom, nom.......Yummy food!  Turkey, turnip, potatoes, stuffing, peas and salad.  Miss Pemberley had lots of good food to eat and would go hungry for some time.

Then there was dessert. 

All those desserts and so many good treats, it's hard deciding what to eat!  Maybe one of everything and seconds if there's room

After all the eating came presents.  Pemberley had to hide in this gift away from the kids.  She didn't want to get lost in all the wrapping papper.  It was fun to watch though.

Keldar5 did pretty good for Christmas gifts too.  Some candy, money and a gift certificate for a local yarn store.  Pemberley has been suggesting a few yarn choices. 

Maybe on the weekend she'll see the yarn shop and play in the yarn.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Makenzie's Travelling to South Africa

I just got an update from Dancing Starlight about Makenzie.  She's on her way to South Africa.  Before she went there was a family portrait taken.

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Here is a monster family portrait, taken just before Keldar5’s Makenzie left for Deepest, Darkest Africa to visit ACandy.

Pemberley gets ready for Christmas

My family decided to have Christmas early this year. Lucky for me Pemberley was here to help with wrapping gifts.  Here's the post from the DangerCraft group on Ravelry.

Hi Momma
It’s been a busy day for me helping my foster Momma. She says that her family is having Christmas really early this year. And she’s going to her sisters for turkey and stuff tomorrow. Today I helped wrap some gifts for her family.
The worse part was that Charlie the horse is a gift to a little girl named Hope. I didn’t want to see him wrapped up. It made me sad to have to say goodbye.
I wanted to crawl inside and get wrapped up too.
To take my mind off Charlie, I went to the park with Pinkie to get a close up look at snow. It was really cold to sit on but we were lucky to have a little blanket to sit on.
Then Momma Keldar5 thought before we left on our car ride tomorrow that I needed to borrow some snow pants to keep warm. They fit so good but they really don’t go with my socks or my new hat.
Tomorrow is going to be fun because I get to eat lots of good stuff. I won’t eat too much. I hope there’s something like BBQ but I don’t know if that’s good Christmas food or not. And I’ll show pictures of what I did later.
Miss you

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pemberley's Snow Day

This week we've had a lot of snow here in London, Ontario.  It's been said that we nearly had as much snow fall on Monday and Tuesday of this week as we did all of last winter.  That's saying a lot.  Of course I couldn't take a snow day from work but Pemberley could.  Her big thing was to "horse" around for the day.  Here's a note that she sent her Momma on the Danger Craft group of Ravelry.

Hi Momma
I’m having fun watching the snow fall. There’s lots on the ground to make snow monster angels in. But I was told I didn’t have any warm clothes for doing that.
So I decided to horse around a little bit with Charlie.
I do have a new little hat for when I go out but no snow pants.
Got to go now, I want to play around with Charlie a little more.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The night Pemberly arrived

A couple of nights ago my newest foster monster arrived in the mail.  I wasn't sure if she'd make through the snow storm we've had over the last week.  To my surprise, she did.  Of course I was working the afternoon shift when the mail was delivered.  And I got her when I arrived home late that night.  Here's the post I put on the Travelling Monsters section of the Danger Craft group.

Hello Momma TwistedString
Foster Momma Keldar5 found me in my suitcase when she got home tonight. She quickly got me inside and gathered the monsters she has to help me out. The big guy is Pinkie, then there’s Screaming Stan and Stink. They helped open the box….
Then Pinkie got to work on my legs because I had cramps in both of them.
It was a few minutes before I could sit up because I was feeling a little dizzy from having my legs moved around. But I manage to finally sit up for a group photo.
Since it’s really late, I might just get some sleep and see what the weather is like here in Canada tomorrow. I’ve been told there’s lots of snow on the ground.
Miss you

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Monster Party for Saturday

Dancing Starlight has made another post on the Travelling Monster board.  It seems there was a monster party for Saturday before she was shipped out.  Here's the tale.....

Today, April’s monster, Saturday, left our home in frigid Nebraska to travel to Jennknitfer’s home in sunny California. Saturday didn’t stay here long because he is getting a chance to FLY next week!
First, our entire monster family came out to say goodbye to Saturday:

Keldar5’s Makenzie didn’t want Saturday to leave so soon, but Saturday said he had to go. It is, after all, a rare treat to visit Hawaii.

Kara’s Monster had to help us stuff Saturday into his box. It’s a tight fit for him, but we made it work. :)

Saturday enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with us, and he seems to have gained a little bit of weight after eating all of the food that the kids didn’t eat yesterday. Bon Voyage, Saturday!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pinkie Look-a-Like

Dancing Starlight posted a very quick pic of Makenzie and some new friends.  The one on the far left looks a lot like Pinkie to me.  Pinkie, of course, is the monster I made.  Take a look and see if it looks like mine.

Who knew there would be look-a-likes of the monsters we all make.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Message from Makenzie

Hey, Mommy Keldar5,
MacKenzie attended Matthew’s Tiger Cub Scout meeting on Monday. Matthew was disappointed that the meeting was too short, so he refused to take a “proper” picture with our visiting monster bunny. They did have a little bit of fun, believe it or not! :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Friends

After throwing my back out a couple days ago, I needed to keep myself occupied with something.  So I decided that Makenzie needed at least one new friend to play with for when she got back from her road trip.

I also had scrap yarn that I got from Janelle's Poor House yarn collection.  I was suppose to create a monster for Janelle over a month ago but I got side tracked with other projects.  Which turned into another monster.

In the process of making the two monsters, I couldn't decide what to name either one of them.  However, the first monster helped in the naming. 

If anyone remembers the cartoon Pinky and the Brain, that's how I came to name both monsters.  However, neither one of them looks like a mouse.  It doesn't matter to me though because it's just the names that I used.

So here's Pinkie and the Brain........
The purple one with the wonky eyes will be going to Janelle tonight at the knitting group I go to.  Don't ask me how I didn't notice the off-set eyes.  I very rarely put eyes on level.

The purple one of course is the Brain.  And will be the bigger "Brother" to J.J. (Janelle Jr.).  Hopefully, Janelle will like her new monster.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Makenzie's adventure with Doggerham

I've got an update from Doggerham on Ravelry.  Makenzie seems to be enjoying herself at the local yarn shop.  Here's the story....

This weekend, we went to the opening of a new LYS -- Park Avenue Yarns in League City, TX (that’s about half way from Houston to Galveston) Normally, this is out of my area as I live in central Houston. However, my DH works in League City, about a mile from the shop, and he asked me to pick him up on Saturday from work!
So, Arlo, Makenzie and the monster tbnamed all went to visit the lovely ladies at the shop. Here are some photos!
First, we went swimming!
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We made a new friend.
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Arlo thought this would make a great sleeping bag!
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And then we had to refuel a bit!
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Viola gets ready

Well, it's time for Viola to move to her next home in Texas, USA.  She's packed and tucked away in her temporary mobile home.  Since I don't live in the US, I don't celebrate the US Thanksgiving but Viola does.  So she's going to get her ticket at the post office tomorrow for the trip out.  Here's Viola dressed and ready to go for her trip.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Viola goes to work.

I thought that maybe Viola needed some extra money to help pay for her trip to Texas.  So I brought her into work today.  I work at a local hospital in Sterile Processing.  That's the department where the instruments that get used in the operating rooms come back to be reprocessed.  For obvious reasons, I didn't take Viola into decontam where the instruments are cleaned because everything is really dirty.

Once the instruments are put through the washers, they are re-assembled in trays. Like this one.......
Poor Viola thought I was going to use it on her until I told her that she was too small for it.  I told her that the tray she was in is called the Stereotatic Arc Tray and that it was used for a neurology case.

Of course, I don't know everything about the trays I have to assemble and have to rely on information on the computer.  Most times the write ups are correct but every now and then one of them is wrong.  I showed Viola the program we use to do up trays.
 Then the trays go into a sterilizer.  Which pretty much "cooks" the instruments. Then they sit to cool  for a couple hours.
 Once they're cooled they get put away on shelfs until needed for surgery again.

That's a day in SPD.  Viola doesn't think it's a job for her, too much heavy lifting.

Makenzie's Adventure........Part two

For the second part of the adventure, I'd like to dedicate it to Janelle (Hemionejelvis on Ravelry).  There is some very interesting friends that she meets........

Mackenzie took a ride on Juno, but Juno wasn’t too sure about this!
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Mackenzie found some others of the same species! Here she is telling them about her adventures.
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What’s this?
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I tried to peek this way,
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I tried to peek that way,
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But WHO is under there?
To be continued…..